Manchester Regenerative Medicine Network (MaRMN) and MRCC Symposium – September 2023

Human in vitro models of Genetic Diseases

In September 2023, the Manchester Regenerative Medicine Network (MaRMN) and Manchester Rare Conditions Centre organised a joint one-day research symposium focused on the utility of in vitro models to understand mechanisms of genetic diseases.

Professors Susan Kimber (MaRMN Chair and Professor of Stem and Developmental Biology at the University of Manchester) and Siddharth Banka (Clinical Director MRCC) welcomed more than 100 delegates from across the UK and Europe to share experiences and expertise of working in the field of human cellular models.

Plenary speaker Professor Alessandro Prigione from the University of Dusseldorf presented his laboratory’s pioneering work using patient-derived iPSCs to investigate neuronal pathology in Leigh Syndrome and other mitochondrial diseases. The event included a further 17 speakers, from Manchester and across the UK, a vibrant poster session and networking opportunities.

About the Manchester Regenerative Medicine Network (MaRMN)

The Manchester Regenerative Medicine Network (MaRMN) brings together internationally renowned biologists, material scientists, bioengineers and clinicians to translate basic biological research into viable clinical therapies.

MaRMN aims to:

  • bring together basic scientists from the different disciplines to enhance the University’s capacity in regenerative medicine and enable strategic multidisciplinary grant bids;
  • help basic scientists move their projects into clinical protocols by creating links with clinicians interested in translating new cell, gene and bioengineering protocols to the clinic.